Pickleball court dimensions

Are you one of the many people who have caught pickleball fever? If so, you may be wondering about the all-important dimensions of a pickleball court. Questions like “Are they the same size as tennis courts?” and “How do I draw my own court lines?” are common among new and experienced players alike.

Well, fear not! In this Guide, I will take you on a journey to discover everything you need to know about the dimensions of a pickleball court. We’ll explore the intricacies of the boundary lines, discuss the ideal court size, and even teach you how to measure and mark your own pickleball court lines.

With this knowledge in your back pocket, you’ll be well-equipped to create your very own pickleball court and join the millions of players around the world who have fallen in love with this exciting and fast-paced sport. So let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of the pickleball court dimensions!

Pickleball Court Dimensions

Overall Court Size and Shape

The overall size of a pickleball court is 20 feet wide by 44 feet long.  I find this fact really interesting! It’s actually slightly smaller than a standard doubles tennis court, which is 36 feet wide by 78 feet long. The court is rectangular in shape, with the shorter ends serving as the baselines and the longer sides serving as the sidelines.

Playing Area

In pickleball, the court size remains the same whether you’re playing singles or doubles. Yep, you read that right! And to ensure the game is played fairly, the rulebook specifies that the minimum play area should be 30 feet wide by 60 feet long, including the out-of-bounds areas.

But here’s a fun fact – although the recommended minimum total playing area is the same, which is 30 feet wide by 60 feet long, the preferred size is actually slightly larger at 34 feet wide by 64 feet long. This extra space outside the court’s playing area allows players to move around more easily and adds a little extra excitement to the game.

NonVvolley Zone (The Kitchen)

The area closest to the net on a pickleball court is known as the non-volley zone or “the kitchen”. This zone extends 7 feet from each side of the net and is marked by a line.

But that’s not all! Beyond the kitchen, there’s a 15-foot area leading to the baseline that’s divided into two halves by a centerline. This line designates the right and left service areas on each side of the court, making it a crucial area to keep in mind during gameplay.

To mark the kitchen, you’ll need to measure 7 feet from the net on each sideline and connect those two points across the court. And don’t forget to mark the halfway point between the two non-volley zone lines at 10 feet from the net.

Net Height

The net height for pickleball is 36 inches at the center and 34 inches at the sidelines,

which is designed to encourage players to hit shots toward the middle of the court, reducing the chance of errors.

Court Lines

Whether you prefer playing indoors or outdoors, knowing the specific court requirements for each setting is important.

When playing inside, you want to make sure that you have enough vertical clearance above the court. That means maintaining a height of 18-20 feet to ensure that players can hit the ball without worrying about any obstacles getting in their way.

Now, if you’re playing outside, having enough space around the court is equally important to avoid any hazards. You’ll need at least 10 feet of out-of-bounds area on both sides to allow for some extra space when chasing down the ball.

Recommended Surface

While pickleball can be played on a variety of surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, and even grass, the ideal surface is a hard court made of acrylic or similar material. This provides a consistent bounce and good traction for players.

Pickleball Court Size
Image: usapickleball.org

Pickleball Court Markings

Dimensions and Placement of Boundary Lines

The boundary lines for a pickleball court should be 20 feet wide by 44 feet long. The corners should be square, with a 90-degree angle where the sideline meets the baseline. The lines should be placed at least 2 inches inside the outer edges of the court.

Measure the First Sideline

Start your measuring tape against the net, a foot from either the left- or right-hand edge. Measure out a 22-foot line extending perpendicularly away from the net. This will be your first sideline. Be sure to mark it with chalk so you can easily see it.

 Measure the Baseline

From your first sideline mark, measure out 20 feet horizontally, running parallel to the net. This is your baseline. Don’t forget to mark the halfway point at 10 feet as well.

 Measure the Second Sideline

Similar to the first sideline, start at the net, one foot away from the opposite edge. Connect a start 22-foot line out to meet the baseline, running perpendicularly to the net. This will create your second sideline. Don’t forget to mark it with chalk.

Markings for the Non-Volley Zone

The non-volley zone should be marked by a 2-inch-wide line that extends 7 feet on either side of the net. The line should be placed parallel to the net and at a right angle to the sideline.

Centerline and Center Service Line

The centerline should be marked by a 2-inch-wide line that runs parallel to the baselines and divides the court into two equal halves. The center service line should be marked by a 2-inch-wide line that runs perpendicular to the centerline and is located halfway between the baseline and the net. The center service line is used for serving and must be crossed by the server before the ball is struck.

Service Boxes

To create the two service boxes, simply connect the two 10-foot halfway points you’ve marked (one at the baseline and one at the kitchen line). This will create the service boxes and complete your pickleball court.

Other Considerations

Lighting and visibility

If the court is going to be used in the evening or in low-light conditions, it is important to have adequate lighting to ensure visibility. This can be achieved by installing lights or by using reflective tape to mark the lines. So, you don’t have to miss a crucial shot because of poor lighting!

Court Orientation and Wind Considerations

It is important to consider the orientation of the court when it is being built. Ideally, the court should be oriented so that the sun is not directly in the players’ eyes during play. It is also important to consider wind direction when placing the court to minimize the effects of wind on the game.

Recommended Space Around the Court

To ensure player safety and enough space for gameplay, it’s recommended to have at least 10 feet of clearance around the court. This allows players to move around freely and retrieve balls without running into obstacles.

Recommended Court Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your pickleball court in top shape and ensuring safe playing conditions. So, Keeping the court clean and in good repair is important. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Sweeping the court to remove debris: Dirt, leaves, and other debris can accumulate on the court, making it slippery and unsafe. Regular sweeping helps keep the court clean and free of hazards.
  • Repairing any cracks or damage: Over time, the court may develop cracks or other damage that can affect gameplay and safety. It’s important to repair these issues as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse.
  • Resurfacing the court as needed: Depending on usage and other factors, the court may need to be resurfaced periodically. This can help restore the court’s smoothness and prevent tripping hazards.

Think of it like maintaining a car – regular tune-ups and repairs are necessary to keep it running smoothly and avoid any major issues down the line. Similarly, taking care of your pickleball court will help ensure that it lasts for years to come and remains a fun and safe place to play.

So make sure to schedule regular maintenance for your pickleball court, and enjoy countless hours of fun and friendly competition with family and friends!

Supplies For Creating A pickleball Court

If you’re planning on creating your own pickleball court, there are a few supplies you’ll need to make it happen. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

  • Spool of string or carpenter’s chalk: This will be used to mark the court lines before you draw the permanent lines. It’s important to get the lines just right, so make sure you have a reliable way to mark them out.
  • Tape measure: You’ll need to measure out the court to make sure it’s the correct size. A tape measure will come in handy for this task.
  • Sidewalk chalk, court tape, or gaffer tape: There are several options for creating the court lines, depending on how permanent you want them to be. Sidewalk chalk is a good temporary option, while court tape or gaffer tape will create more long-lasting lines. You’ll need approximately 2 large sticks of chalk per court or around 198 feet of tape.
  • Pickleball net: Finally, you’ll need a net to divide the court and keep the game organized. There are a couple of options for this – you can either purchase a pickleball net or make your own using PVC pipes and netting.

By gathering these supplies, you’ll be well on your way to creating a fun and functional pickleball court that you can enjoy with friends and family for years to come!


What are the dimensions of a standard pickleball court in feet?

The standard dimensions of a pickleball court in feet are 20 feet wide by 44 feet long. However, if you’re building a court in your backyard or other space, you can adjust the size slightly to fit the available space as long as you maintain the same proportions.

What is the height of the net in pickleball?

 The net should be 36 inches high at the sidelines and 34 inches high at the center.

What is the recommended clearance around a pickleball court?

Having at least 10 feet of clearance around the court is recommended to ensure safety and adequate playing space.

Can pickleball be played on a carpet?

Pickleball is typically played on a hard surface, such as a tennis or outdoor basketball court. It is possible to play pickleball on a carpet, but it is not recommended as the ball may not bounce correctly and could cause players to slip or trip. The best surface for pickleball is a hard court made of asphalt, concrete, or another durable material. 

Can the court be adjusted for different skill levels?

Yes, the court can be adjusted for different skill levels using smaller paddles or softer balls, but the dimensions should remain the same.

How often should a pickleball court be maintained?

A pickleball court should be swept regularly to remove debris, and any cracks or damage should be repaired as soon as possible. The court should also be resurfaced as needed.

Can pickleball be played indoors?

Yes, pickleball can be played indoors, but the court dimensions and net height should remain the same as outdoor courts.

Can the court be used for other sports?

While pickleball courts are specifically designed for pickleball, they can also be used for other sports, such as badminton or tennis, with slight modifications to the court markings.

Is a pickleball court the same size as a badminton court?

No, a pickleball court is not the same size as a badminton court. A pickleball court is larger than a badminton court but smaller than a tennis court.

What are pickleball court dimensions in meters?

According to the USA Pickleball Rule book, a standard pickleball court has dimensions of 10 meters x 19.5 meters. However, the actual playing area within these dimensions is slightly smaller, measuring 6.1m x 13.4m. The book also suggests a minimum playing area of 9.1m x 18.2m.

How much space do you need for the pickleball court?

 A pickleball court is approximately 20 feet wide and 44 feet long for both singles and doubles play. So, you need at least 880 square feet of space for a standard pickleball court.

What are the dimensions of a pickleball court layout?

The dimensions of a pickleball court layout are as follows:

  • The court is rectangular and measures 20 feet wide and 44 feet long.
  • The net is hung across the middle of the court and is 36 inches high at the sidelines and 34 inches high at the center.
  • The service area is a box measuring 10 feet by 20 feet, with the centerline dividing it into two equal halves.

What is the smallest possible pickleball court?

If space is limited, it is possible to create a smaller pickleball court. The smallest recommended size for a pickleball court is 30’x60′, which is one-fourth the size of a standard tennis court. 

This size is called a “short court” or “mini court” and is typically used for teaching children or beginners the game of pickleball. The smaller court size can also be used for playing singles and doubles matches when space is limited.

However, it’s important to note that while this is the smallest recommended size, it’s always better to have a larger playing area whenever possible to allow for better movement and gameplay.

What is the best court surface for pickleball?

The best court surface for pickleball is a hard court surface, such as concrete or asphalt. These surfaces provide a consistent and predictable ball bounce, making it easier for players to make accurate shots. Some players also prefer playing on cushioned surfaces, which can be less stressful on the joints and reduce the risk of injury. However, these surfaces can be more expensive and require more maintenance.

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