From A to Z: Pickleball Terms & Definitions

Last updated on: September 5, 2024

We feel hesitant before starting any new game. Tons of questions pop up in our minds, such as should we know all the terms before getting into the game. Did I miss any terms? “Blah blah,”

Obviously, as a newbie, You are unfamiliar with the game’s terminologies, phrases, and rules. You don’t need to be concerned since I’ll explain all you need to learn to play the game.

It’s fantastic that you chose to engage in this game. Let’s look at some pickleball terms and definitions.

Basic pickleball lingo:

Whether you’re playing indoors or outdoors, pickleball is a great way to get active and spend time with family and friends. 

It is a relatively new sport, but it is growing in popularity. If you are just beginning, there are some basic terms that you should know.


The pickleball ball is made of plastic and has holes in it. The ball used in pickleball is a perforated, lightweight similar to a Wiffle ball but is slightly larger and has a more solid construction. 

Pickleballs are available in two versions: one for In-door play and one for Out-door play.

The indoor version is made of softer plastic and has smaller holes than the outdoor version. The outdoor version is made of harder plastic and has larger holes.

Pickleball balls have a diameter of 2.86 inches and weigh between 0.78 and 0.935 ounces.

Pickleball balls come in a variety of colors, but the most popular choices are yellow, neon, orange, or white. People usually pick brightly colored balls because they are easier to see on the court.


A paddle is used to hit a pickleball. It is similar to a tennis racket in terms of size and shape, but it has a smaller head and a shorter handle. 

The paddle is made of wood, composite, or aluminum, and it has a textured surface to help the player grip the ball. It comes in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes, and materials to suit the needs of any player.

When choosing a pickleball paddle, it is vital to consider your playing style. 


 A pickleball double is when two people play together as a team against another team of two people.


In singles, Two people play together. Each player has their own court and tries to hit the ball past their opponent. The first player to reach 11 points wins the game.

Skinny Singles:

The term “skinny singles” refers to the fact that only two people are playing on fifty percent of the court. This makes for a faster-paced, more challenging game than traditional pickleball.

There are also more opportunities for volleys and other shots that require precision and accuracy. If you find yourself in a skinny singles situation, remember to stay focused and communicate with your partner. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to dominate the court!

Pickleball is a game with many other terms related to pickleball that can be confusing for new players. If you’re just starting out, make sure to ask your friends or instructors about any terms you don’t understand. 

Pickleball Court

Non-Volley Zone:

The non-volley zone is a very important part of pickleball. It is the area within 7 feet of the net on both sides. This area is important because you are not allowed to hit the ball while it is in this zone. If you do, it is called a fault and your opponent gets the point.

Non-Volley Line:

 The non-volley line is the line that divides the court in half. This line determines where players can and cannot hit the ball.


 A drive is a hard hit that is low and flat over the net. It is used as an offensive shot to keep your opponents from getting into position. 


 The backcourt in pickleball is the area of the court behind the baseline.

It’s important to stay in the backcourt when your opponent is serving, so you can be in a position to return their shot.

 When you’re in the backcourt, you should also try to keep your shots low over the net, so they’re more difficult for your opponent to reach.

Double Bounce Rule:

 This rule states that the ball must bounce twice on each side of the court before it can be hit by the paddle. This rule is what makes pickleball a unique and challenging game.

Center Line:

 A line that runs down the middle of the court, dividing it into two equal parts from the baseline to the non-volley zone. 


In the game of pickleball, the sideline is the boundaries of the court – it not only marks the boundary of the court but can also be used to score points. 

The sideline is also important when returning shots – if a player hits the ball and it goes out of bounds on their opponent’s side, they lose the point. So, knowing how to keep your shots within bounds is key to winning points in pickleball! 

Side Out: 

This means that when one team scores, the other team gets the serve. 


A player who hits the ball as hard as possible, usually without much regard for accuracy.


The court’s back line. The distance between a baseline and the pickleball net is typically 22 feet. It determines how far away players must stand from the net. 

The baseline also helps to keep the game fair by ensuring that both sides have an equal chance to reach the ball.


Bert is a term used in pickleball that refers to when one player hits the ball out of the air in front of the partner.

This can be done either on purpose or by accident, but either way, it results in the opposing team gaining a point.

Permanent Object: 

The term permanent object is used to describe any immovable thing around the pickleball court that can interfere with the game. This includes items like ceilings, spectators, trees, fences, and benches.

 If a player hits the ball into a permanent object, it is considered a fault, and the point is awarded to the other team.

Pickleball serving and scoring terms:

Pickleball paddle


The serve is how you start the game. You stand behind the baseline and hit the ball diagonally into your opponent’s court. They must let it bounce before they return it.

The athlete is required to serve the ball from below their waist. There are two main types of serves in Pickleball: the underhand serve and the overhead serve.

The underhand serve is slower and easier to control, while the overhead serve is faster and more challenging. It is the only time during the game when you have complete control over the point.

First Serve:

When playing pickleball doubles, the first serve always goes to the player on the right-hand side of the court. After a side out, meaning the loss of a point, service always alternates between players.
So if you’re serving and you win the point, your partner will then serve from the other service court. If you lose the point, however, your opponents will get to serve next.

Second Serve:

When playing pickleball doubles, the second player to serve after a side out is referred to as the “second server.” This player will usually be positioned at the back of the court, behind the baseline.
The second server has several important responsibilities during the game, including keeping track of the score and serving when it is their turn.

Return of Serve:

When playing pickleball, the return of serve is when the second hit of the rally takes place. It is important to know how to properly return the serve in order to keep the rally going and put pressure on your opponent.

There are a few things to keep in mind when returning the serve. First, you want to make sure you hit the ball in the middle of your paddle. This will give you the most control over the shot. Second, you want to try and make your return as deep into your opponent’s court as possible.

This will make it more difficult for them to set up a good shot. Third, you want to be aware of where your opponent is on the court and try and place your shot accordingly. If they are far back from the baseline, you can try and drop the ball short so they have to come forward to get it.

Service outside scoring:

Service outside scoring refers to a player’s ability to place the ball into specific areas on the court to score points. If you’re not playing carefully, you could end up losing the game.

Service Court:

The section of the court where the server must strike the serve. The baseline, non-volley line, and centerline define the boundaries of the service court. If you’re serving, be sure to stay within these boundaries!

Server number:

In pickleball, the server is the player who serves the ball to start the game. The server call out with their server number, either 1 or 2, depending on what side of the court they are standing on. The player who is not serving is called the receiver.
If the receiver is standing on the same side of the court as the server, they are called Side 1. If the receiver is standing on the opposite side of the court as the server, they are called Side 2.


Shadowing is when players sync up with each other and share space on the court. This is generally done equally and apart from each other.
By being aware of this term, players can better communicate with each other and work together as a team.


Slicing in pickleball is a backspin stroke that keeps the ball low to the court. It is often used to surprise opponents who are expecting a different type of shot.

The sliced ball will have a lower trajectory than a normal shot, and it can be used to keep the opponents from getting into position. A well-executed sliced shot can be very difficult to return.


A pickleball smash is an overhand shot that is hit hard and flat with a lot of topspin. It is hit with a lot of speed and power and is used to score points. The smash is often used to end the rally.

Split Stance:

A split stance is a position in which your feet are slightly apart and you are ready to receive a ball. It allows you to be balanced and ready to move in any direction.

There are two main types of split stances: open and closed. In an open split stance, your feet should be about shoulder-width apart with your weight evenly distributed. This stance gives you good balance and stability, and it is ideal for receiving balls that are coming directly at you.

In a closed split stance, your feet are closer together and your weight is shifted slightly onto your back foot. This stance gives you more power when hitting the ball, but it can be less stable than an open stance.

Volley shot:

A Volley shot is a move in pickleball where the player hits the ball before it bounces. This is a great way to keep the rally going and catch your opponent off guard.
However, you can only do this when you are not in the kitchen or before the ball goes over the net. If you hit the ball while in the kitchen, it will be a fault and your opponent will get the point.

Champion Shot:

If you’re playing Pickleball and the ball bounces twice on your opponent’s side of the net, it’s called a “champion shot.” This is because the ball is effectively dead and your opponent can’t do anything with it.

A champion shot can only be taken from the non-volley zone, which is the area behind the baseline. When the ball bounces twice in this area, it’s an automatic point for the serving team.

Champion shots are relatively rare in Pickleball because they require a lot of precision. The ball has to bounce exactly in the right spot on your opponent’s side of the court, and it can be difficult to control where it bounces.

If you’re able to make a champion shot, it’s a guaranteed point and your opponents will have a hard time coming back from that.


In Pickleball, an ace is a point scored on a serve that is not returned by the opposing team. An ace can be either an “unforced” or “forced” error.
Unforced errors are more common and occur when the player fails to return the ball due to poor technique, while forced errors are less common and occur when the player is unable to return the ball due to the speed or placement of the serve.

Put away:

Put-away shots are winning shots that the opponent cannot return. These types of shots are often used to end the game or to take control of the game when the score is close.

Put-aways are an essential part of any pickleball game and can be the difference between winning and losing. There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to hit a put-away shot.

First, the ball must be hit hard enough so that your opponent cannot return it.

Second, the ball should be placed low on the court so that your opponent has difficulty reaching it.

Lastly, make sure to angle your shot so that your opponent cannot easily defend it.

Overhead shot:

An overhead shot is a move in pickleball where the player lifts the paddle over their head and swings it downwards to hit the ball. This shot is typically used when the player is far away from the ball.

The Erne:

This shot gets its name from Erne Perry, who is credited with inventing it. Perry was a member of the US Pickleball Association Hall of Fame and won numerous titles during his career.

Erne Perry was a well-known pickleball player in the early days of the sport. He was credited with inventing the Erne, a volley hit close to the net by a player positioned outside the left or right court. The Erne quickly became a popular shot among pickleball players and is still used today.

While the Erne is a relatively simple shot to execute, it can be very effective when used correctly. Players who are able to position themselves outside the court and hit the ball accurately can often catch their opponents off guard.


A let is a rally must be played again if needed. The most common reasons for a let are if the ball hits the net on a serve, if the ball goes out of bounds, or if there is a double fault.
If the ball hits the net on a serve, it is considered a let and must be replayed. If the ball goes out of bounds, it is also considered a let and must be replayed. A double fault occurs when both players hit the ball out of bounds on their serves.

Line Call:

When playing pickleball, it’s important to be aware of the court boundaries. The lines on the court are there for a reason – to keep the game fair. So when a ball is close to the line, it’s up to the player to call it. But how do you know if a ball is in or out?

Here’s a quick guide:

If the ball hits the line, it’s in.
If the ball hits inside of the line, it’s out.

Now let’s say you’re not sure whether a ball is in or out. What do you do? The best thing to do is to ask your opponent. They may have seen the shot better than you did. If both players are unsure, then it’s up to the umpire to make the call.


The midcourt is the area of the pickleball court between the non-volley line and the baseline. It’s where you’ll spend most of your time during a game of pickleball.


Any action that ends the game because it violates a rule. While faults can be frustrating, they’re an important part of the game and help to keep everyone honest. So, next time you’re on the court, remember to keep your eye on the ball and watch out for those pesky faults!

Foot Fault:

A player must keep both feet inside the baseline when serving the ball. If a player steps on or over the line, it is considered a foot fault and the opposing team will gain the point.

When playing pickleball, it is important to be aware of the foot fault rule.

If you are unsure whether or not you have committed a foot fault, it is always best to ask an official or another player for clarification. By familiarizing yourself with this rule, you can avoid making costly mistakes during your game.

Follow Through:

The player’s preferred direction for the ball to go as they move the paddle ahead in that direction.
After making contact with the ball, the player should continue their forward motion with their paddle, keeping it low and close to the ground. This will ensure that the ball travels in the direction they want it to go.

A player may also adjust their grip on the paddle or use a different stroke altogether to control where the ball goes. By continuing their forward motion after making contact with the ball, players can put themselves in a better position to make a successful shot.

If you don’t follow through, your hit will be weaker and the ball may not go where you want it to. This can be frustrating for both you and your opponents. Remember, following through is key to playing a good game of pickleball!

Pickleball Moving Terms:

Face of the Paddle:

The face of the paddle is the surface that makes contact with the ball.

Flat Face:

When you hit the ball, the surface of your paddle should be parallel to the net. If you don’t have a flat face, you’ll likely miss the ball or hit it off-center, which will reduce your power and accuracy.

Open Face:

The “open face” grip is when you hold the paddle lightly upwards. This grip is often used when serving, as it gives you more control over the ball. When receiving serve, you can also use an open-face grip to return the ball more easily.

Open-face grips are also useful for volleying and performing drop shots. By using an open-face grip, you can increase your accuracy and control when hitting the ball. This grip is a great way to improve your pickleball game!

Approach shot:

An approach shot is hit when the player is not at the baseline but is instead closer to the net. This shot is used to set up a winning point, and there are several different ways to hit an approach shot.

The first way to hit an approach shot is by using a backhand stroke. To do this, the player will swing the paddle around their body and hit the ball from behind them.

Passing Shot:

This move is often used when an opponent is positioned at the back of the court and there is no clear path to the front.
The most important thing to remember when executing a passing shot is to keep the ball low over the net. This will make it more difficult for your opponent to get to the ball and return it. If you can, try to angle your shot so that it hits in front of your opponent and then bounces away from them.


When playing pickleball, the backswing is a move that should be executed with precision in order to hit the ball correctly.
This move starts with the paddle being held at waist level and then raised up behind the player’s head. The player then brings the paddle down and makes contact with the ball on the downward swing.

There are many different ways to do a backswing, but the most important thing is to keep your elbow close to your body and not let the paddle get too far away from you. You also want to make sure that you rotate your wrist so that the paddle hits the ball in the sweet spot.


A backhand is a shot in pickleball using a backhand motion with your hand and paddle. This stroke is used to hit the ball on your non-dominant side of the body and is often used when your opponent is on the other side of the net.
Backhands can be used to return shots that are difficult to reach with a forehand or to keep your opponent off balance.

To execute a backhand, start with your paddle behind you and your arm extended. As you swing the paddle forward, rotate your wrist so that the face of the paddle turns toward you. Hit the ball with the sweet spot of the paddle, and follow through with your swing.


When you hit a pickleball with a backspin, you use a low-high motion that makes the ball spin in the opposite direction. This can be useful for keeping the ball in play or making it difficult for your opponent to return the shot.

To generate a backspin, grip the paddle lightly and make contact with the ball near the bottom of it. The goal is to hit the ball with a light touch so that it barely clears the net and drops quickly on your opponent’s side.

Backspin can be used to defend against an opponent’s power shots. If they are hitting hard and deep, use backspin to bring the ball up short and give yourself time to get into position.

Chop: What is a chop in pickleball?

A backspin stroke makes the ball drop sharply after it hits the ground.


When you hit the ball with carry, you are essentially keeping it on the face of your paddle longer. This allows you to keep the rally going and put pressure on your opponent.

A good carry will land close to the baseline, making it difficult for your opponent to reach. To execute a carry, you need to make contact with the ball slightly below the center.

This will ensure that the ball doesn’t bounce too high or too low off your paddle. You also want to make sure that you hit the ball squarely with your paddle for maximum control.

Double hit:

A move in pickleball where the player hits the ball twice before it crosses the net.


The forehand is hit from the front court on your dominant side of the body. It is also hit when you are at the baseline or near the service line. When you are at the net, you can hit a volley or dink shot with your forehand.

The forehand stroke is similar to a tennis stroke, but there are some key differences.

First, you want to grip the paddle in your hand like you would a tennis racket. You then want to swing through the ball and make contact with it in the center of the paddle. After contact, follow through with your swing and end up in a ready position.

Half Volley:

A half volley in pickleball is a soft, low shot that just clears the net and drops into the no-volley zone. It’s a defensive shot used to keep your opponent from attacking the net.


In pickleball, punching is a rapid stroke with a little backswing, similar to poking the ball out of the air with the paddle.
This type of shot is used when your opponents are at the net and you need to get the ball past them quickly.

Punching is also effective when you are trying to keep the ball low over the net.

Top Spin:

A shot with spin caused by hitting the ball swinging low to high. When you hit a tennis ball with topspin, the result is more than just a simple rotation. The Magnus effect comes into play, making the ball dip and then bounce up higher than it would without the spin. This can be very useful when trying to beat an opponent who is at the net.

The same thing happens in Pickleball but on a much smaller scale. When you hit the ball with topspin, it will rotate quickly and then dip down slightly before bouncing up. This can be used to your advantage by hitting balls that are just out of your opponent’s reach.

Pickleball paddles designed for spin are preferred by some players.

Cross-court dink:

A cross-court dink is a low, soft shot that travels diagonally from one side of the court to the other. It’s an effective way to keep your opponent off balance and usually results in a point.

To execute a cross-court dink, hit the ball just below its equator with an underhand stroke. The aim is to make contact with the ball slightly before it reaches its apex. This will make the ball spin and drop quickly, making it difficult for your opponent to reach.

The key to a successful cross-court dink is placement. landing the shot in your opponent’s kitchen (the area closest to the net) will increase your chances of winning the point. Practice makes perfect, so take some time to master this versatile shot.


A lob in pickleball is a high arching shot that flies over your opponents’ heads and into the backcourt. The purpose of this shot is to make your opponents run.

When executed properly, a lob can be a very effective shot. It can catch your opponents off guard and force them to run to the backcourt to retrieve the ball. However, if not executed properly, a lob can be easily intercepted by your opponents or go out of bounds.

Here are some tips for executing a successful lob: First, hit the ball hard and high in order to give it enough height to clear your opponents’ heads. Second, aim for the deep corners of the court so that your opponents have to run further to retrieve the ball.


In pickleball, a “slammer” is somebody who hits the ball hard and fast. Some advanced players claim that playing like this demonstrates the poor technique. While it may not be the prettiest way to win, slamming can be an effective strategy – especially if your opponent isn’t expecting it.

Slamming isn’t just about hitting the ball hard, though. It’s also about placement and spin. A good slammer will make sure the ball is going where their opponent least expects it, making it difficult to return.

So, while some purists may turn their noses up at playing like a slammer, there’s no denying that it can be a winning strategy. If you’re thinking of trying it out, make sure you practice your aim and placement first – otherwise you’ll just be giving your opponent an easy point.

Dink Shot or Drop shot:

A dink shot is a soft shot that falls outside of the volley zone. This can be used as a way to keep the rally going, or to put pressure on your opponent.

To execute a dink shot, you will need to hit the ball with a light touch. The ball should just clear the net and land softly in front of your opponent.

You can also use the dink shot as a drop shot. This is when you hit the ball slightly harder so that it drops over the net and lands close to your opponent’s feet.

Drop Shot Volley:

The drop shot volley is a pickleball move that is especially useful against opponents who are positioned toward the back end of the court. This makes them hurry to get to the ball, which may lead to a simple point.

To execute a drop shot volley, simply hit the ball lightly over the net so that it bounces just in front of your opponents. They will then have to run forward to reach it, giving you time to prepare for their return.

This is an especially useful tactic when playing against opponents who are not used to pickleball, as they may not be expecting such a strategic move. So next time you’re on the court, don’t be afraid to try out a drop shot volley!

Drop Spin:

A technique known as a drop spin is used by more skilled pickleball players. This shot is intended to spin so that it barely clears the net before falling hard.

This can be an effective way to keep your opponent off balance and can be particularly useful if they are positioned further back on the court.


When one player goes to the other side of the net to hit the ball, this is called poaching. It can be done on either serve or return of serve and is generally not considered good sportsmanship. If a player does it too often, their opponents may call a let or a fault.

Poaching may happen when one player is significantly better than the other, or if one player is not playing well. While it may seem like a good idea to have the better player take all of the shots, it can actually be detrimental to the team’s success.

Poaching can create frustration and resentment between team members, and can ultimately lead to the team losing the game.

Pinch Shot:

A pinch shot is a swift, rapid volley. This type of shot is characterized by a minimal backswing and follow-through.


In pickleball, the term racquet is used to describe the paddle, which is similar to a tennis racquet but smaller.


A rally is when you and your opponent hit the ball back and forth until one of you makes a mistake.

Rally Score System:

In this system, all service points are worth one point and the game is played to 11 points. The winner must win by two points. If the score reaches 10-10, then the next point wins the game.

Ready Position:

When playing pickleball, there are various positions and stances that players can take in order to be ready to receive the ball and return it. The “ready position” refers to the optimal position and posture for playing.

In the ready position, players should adopt a stance that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with their weight evenly distributed between their feet. They should then bend their knees slightly and lower their center of gravity in order to be able to react quickly in any direction.

The arms should be held out in front of the body, with the paddle held at waist level. The non-paddle hand can be used to help balance or guide the paddle. From this position, players will be able to make quick movements in any direction to return the ball.


On the court, the person directly opposite the server is known as the receiver. The receiver is responsible for returning the serve. A good receiver will try to return the ball in such a way that the server will have difficulty returning it.


Replays are used when both team members disagree on a point. If both teams agree that a replay is necessary, then the point can be replayed.
Keep in mind, however, that replays are not always possible. If one team does not agree to a replay, then the point will stand as originally called by the referee or umpire.


There are a few key grip-related pickleball terms that players should be aware of. The first is how you are holding the bat in your hand. This term is also used to refer to the material that offers comfort and defends the bat handle.

Another term related to grip is “overgrip” which is when you wrap your hand around the bottom of the paddle for extra control. Finally, “glove” or “towel” can be used to increase the amount of friction between your hand and the paddle for an even stronger grip.


A stroke in pickleball is the motion of hitting the ball with the paddle. There are different strokes for different situations, such as forehands, groundstrokes, backhands, etc.

Strokes can be either hard or soft, depending on the situation. Hard strokes are used to put the ball away, while soft strokes are used to keep the rally going.


A groundstroke is a shot executed after the ball has made one bounce. It is frequently used to continue the rally and can be struck with topspin or backspin.


Pickleball is a sport with simple rules and a junior can start playing at any age. The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball on a court that is similar to a tennis court. The game can be played singles or doubles.

A junior pickleball player is under the age of 19. A junior player must use a paddle that is shorter than 26 inches and has a smaller grip size than an adult paddle. Junior players also play on a smaller court than adults. The net height for juniors is lower than for adults, and the service rules are different.

Junior pickleball players have their own tournaments where they can compete against other juniors from around the country. These tournaments are organized by the USAPA (United States of America Pickleball Association).


When the tournament director bans a player from the competition because of inappropriate conduct.

Tournament Directors have the authority to eject players from tournaments for any reason they deem appropriate. Some of the reasons a player might be ejected include the use of offensive language or damaging equipment.

Players who are ejected from a tournament will not be refunded their entry fee and may be banned from future tournaments. This decision is up to the Tournament Director and is based on the severity of the infraction.
Ejections are not taken lightly and are only used in cases where the player’s behavior is significantly impacting the tournament or other player’s enjoyment of the game.


In tennis, the term “momentum” is used to describe a player’s continued motion after making contact with the ball. This can be beneficial, as it allows the player to keep moving and stay in position, but it can also be detrimental if the player is not able to control their momentum. In pickleball, momentum can be just as important.

When a player hits the ball in pickleball, they have the potential to continue moving forward due to momentum. This can be helpful if the player wants to stay in position or keep moving toward the net.
However, if a player is not careful, they may find themselves out of position or off-balance. It is important for players to be aware of their momentum and how it can affect their game.

Plane of the net:

The net system is surrounded on all sides by this hypothetical vertical plane. It is used to determine whether a ball is in or out of bounds. If a ball hits the plane of the net, it is considered out of bounds and a point is awarded to the other team.

The plane of the net is also used to determine whether a shot is legal or not. If a shot hits the plane of the net, it is considered illegal and a point is awarded to the other team.


When you retire in pickleball, it means you’re out of the game and your opponent wins the point. But there’s more to it than that. If you call a retirement during a match, it means you forfeit the game. And that’s not something you want to do.

So what should you do if you find yourself in a pickle (pun intended)? The best thing to do is keep playing. Even if you’re losing, chances are your opponent will make a mistake eventually. And when they do, you can take advantage of it and win the game.
So next time you’re thinking about calling a retirement, think twice. It could cost you the match.


We all know at least one profanity. In fact, most of us probably use them on a daily basis without even thinking about it. But what exactly is profanity?

Any language, expression, or gesture that is deemed inappropriate to use around children or in formal settings is termed profanity. It might not be acceptable to use profanity in your group or culture, so it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences before using one.
While some people may see profanity as nothing more than harmless fun, others find it offensive and disrespectful. It’s important to be mindful of how your words might be interpreted by others before you use them.

Third Shot:

When it comes to Pickleball, the third shot is when the serving team returns the ball after it has been returned by the receivers once.
In other words, this is the first time the serving team has touched the ball since it was initially served. The third shot is important because it sets up the fourth shot, which is typically where rallies are won or lost.

Wiffle Ball:

Wiffle ball is a type of ball used in Pickleball, which is a sport similar to tennis. It’s a baseball-inspired variation that was created to be used indoor areas or in confined outdoor spaces.

Wiffle balls are often manufactured of plastic and contain holes that make it easier to hit them than a traditional baseball.

Pickleball Sayings

Bounce it:

In the game of pickleball, there is a saying: “Bounce it.” This means that when you hit the ball, you should let it bounce once before hitting it again. This is a good strategy for several reasons.

First, bouncing the ball gives you more time to react. If you hit the ball as soon as it comes towards you, you may not have enough time to properly position yourself. Bouncing the ball first gives you a chance to get in the right spot.

Second, bouncing the ball makes it harder for your opponent to return. If they have to hit a moving target, they are more likely to make a mistake.

Finally, bouncing the ball can help you control your shots better. By letting the ball bounce first, you can put a spin on it and make it go where you want it to go.


At first, the phrase “OPA!” may sound like something out of a Mediterranean restaurant. However, in the game of pickleball, it has a very different meaning.

In the game of pickleball, OPA! is a saying that means “out-of-play area.” When a player hits the ball out of bounds, they shout OPA! to let their opponents know. The phrase is derived from the Greek word for “open,” and it’s used to keep the game moving.

Whether you’re using it to keep the game moving or to celebrate a great shot, shouting OPA! is sure to add some excitement to your next pickleball match.

Nice get:

If you play pickleball, you may have heard someone on the court yell “nice get!” “Nice get” is one of the most common sayings in pickleball. If you hear someone say this, it means that you hit a difficult shot or returned a difficult shot. Keep up the good work and keep playing pickleball!

Nice setup:

A setup in pickleball is a move that gets your opponent to go where you want them to. This is usually done by hitting the ball to a specific area of the court, which forces your opponent to move there. A well-executed setup can give you a big advantage in the game.

There are many different ways to set up your opponent in pickleball. The most important thing is to be creative and keep your opponent guessing. Try different shots and angles, and don’t be afraid to experiment. With a little practice, you’ll be able to master the art of the setup.

Nice rally:

A pickleball rally is when two players or teams hit the ball back and forth between them without the ball touching the ground. This can go on for a long time and is considered a compliment to both players’ or teams’ skills.

On October 10, 2021, in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, a group of pickleball players set a new world record when they rallied the ball 16,046 times. The rally lasted for six hours and was witnessed by a large crowd of cheering supporters. This impressive feat is just the latest in a long line of accomplishments for this group of talented athletes.

Dead ball:

When playing pickleball, the game is over when the ball goes out of bounds. This is called a dead ball. The current point is then over and the next point will start with the same player serving the ball.


This term is used to describe a situation in which the ball is still live and can be played by either team.

A dillball can be either an easy or difficult shot, depending on the position of the players and the speed of the ball. If the ball is hit hard and fast, it can be difficult for the opposing team to return it. However, if the ball is hit slowly and softly, it may be easier for the other team to control.

This term is often used in competitive play to describe a close match. When both teams are evenly matched and neither team has an advantage, it can come down to who hits the dillball first.

Funny Pickleball Terms & Slangs:


When you think of falafel, you probably think of a delicious middle eastern dish. But in the world of pickleball, Falafels are attempts that are not successful to their greatest potential.

This occurs when the player hits the ball too low on the paddle, resulting in a weaker shot. While it may not be the most powerful shot in the game, it can still be effective if used correctly.
So, next time you’re out on the pickleball court, remember to avoid hitting a falafel!


If you’ve ever played pickleball, you know that there’s a lot of shouting. And sometimes, it can be tough to decipher what’s being said.
Pickle! is one of the most common things you’ll hear on the court. It’s a way for players to let each other know that someone is about to serve.


Pickling in pickleball occurs when a team scores zero points by the end of the game. This can happen for a number of reasons, but some common ones are poor serving, poor communication, and poor shot selection.

When a team is pickled, it’s important to avoid making any mistakes that could compound the problem. Instead, focus on getting back into the game one point at a time. With a little effort, you can turn things around and come out with a win.


In the game of pickleball, there are a variety of shots that can be used in order to score points. One of the more difficult shots to execute is known as a flapjack.
This shot must bounce once on your side of the net before it can be hit by your opponent. If done correctly, this can be a very effective way to win points. However, executing a flapjack is not easy and takes a lot of practice.
In addition, your opponent will likely be trying to anticipate this shot and will be ready to return it. As such, you need to make sure that you are hitting the ball with enough power and accuracy in order to make it successful.


A pickledome is a special court that is designed specifically for pickleball. It has a unique surface that provides optimal traction and bounces for the game.

At the Pickledome, the court where the championship match in a pickleball tournament is played, the stakes are high. The game is a fast-paced and exciting sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. The Pickledome is the ultimate test of a pickleball player’s skills.

The Pickledome is a unique venue that provides an intense and thrilling environment for both competitors and spectators alike. The court is surrounded by walls of Plexiglas, which amplifies the sound of the ball hitting the paddle and makes for an exciting atmosphere.

Whether you’re a seasoned pickleball player or new to the sport, watching a match at the Pickledome is sure to be an exhilarating experience.

The Pickledome is also home to some of the best pickleball players in the world. So if you’re looking to see some of the best action in pickleball, be sure to check out the Pickleball Championship at the Pickledome.

Paddle up!:

This means it’s time to start playing.

Volley llama:

Volley llama, when a player fires a shot into the kitchen, is illegal. The kitchen is the area behind the baseline and is off-limits to players. Hitting the ball into the kitchen results in a point for the other team.

This pickleball slang term likely originated from tennis, where hitting the ball into the net is called a “fault.” Similarly, in pickleball, volleying the ball into the kitchen is considered a mistake.

While it may be tempting to try and hit a shot into your opponent’s kitchen, remember that it’s against the rules! If you find yourself in a pickle during a pickleball match, remember that resorting to a volley llama is not worth giving up easy points. Play fair and have fun!


In the sport of pickleball, there is a special zone near the kitchen that players must be careful not to hit the ball into. This area is known as the Non-Volley Zone, or more commonly, the Kitchen.

The Kitchen is an important part of the pickleball court and has its own set of rules. Players are not allowed to hit the ball into the Kitchen while they are volleying. If they do, they will lose the point.


Picklers are obsessed with pickleball and love nothing more than talking about the sport.
If you’re looking for a way to get your pickleball fixed, then hanging out with a pickler is the way to go. They’ll regale you with stories of their latest games and tell you all about the newest gear. And if you’re lucky, they might even let you play a game or two.


When you strike the ball without first hitting the ground. There are a few things to keep in mind when attempting a volley in pickleball.

First, make sure you have enough space to swing your paddle. Second, aim for the sweet spot on the ball – this will help ensure that it goes where you want it to. Finally, put some spin on the ball – this will make it harder for your opponent to return.

New pickleball terminology introduced in 2022:

Technical Warning:

Before you play your first game of pickleball, there are a few key new terms and concepts you should be aware of. One such concept is the technical warning.

A technical warning is given by a referee to a player for violation. The specific violation will vary depending on the tournament or league rules, but common examples include unsportsmanlike conduct, language violations, and equipment violations.

While points are not deducted for technical warnings, they can accumulate over the course of a match. If a player receives three technical warnings, they will be automatically disqualified from the match.
So while technical warnings may not seem like a big deal at first, they can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game.

A volley serve is the pickleball serve that is most commonly used. The server releases the ball with one hand and smashes it before it has a chance to. This type of serve is effective because it doesn’t give the receiving team time to set up their defense.

A common mistake that beginners make is not following through with their swing. This causes the ball to go into the net. Another thing to keep in mind is to make contact with the ball above your waist. This will ensure that you have enough power to make it over the net.

Volley Serve:

To execute a volley serve, the player must have good hand-eye coordination. They must also be able to hit the ball with precision. This type of serve can be applied in different ways depending on the game situation.
For example, if the opponents are far back from the net, the player can use a power volley to put pressure on them. If they are close to the net, however, a soft volley can be used to keep them from attacking.

Verbal Warning:

A verbal warning is a type of penalty that can be issued to players during a pickleball match. This warning is given by the referee and is intended to correct any unsportsmanlike behavior or rule infractions.

Each team is allowed one verbal warning per match, after which point any further infractions will result in more serious penalties. Verbal warnings are not recorded on the score sheet and do not count toward a player’s total number of penalties.

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FAQs Pickleball Terms

What are the 5 basics of pickleball?

The 5 basics of pickleball include proper grip, footwork, positioning, shot selection, and consistency. Mastering these basics is essential to becoming a successful pickleball player.

What are the 3 etiquettes of pickleball?

The 3 etiquettes of pickleball include keeping the court clean and tidy, being respectful to your opponents, and respecting the rules of the game. These etiquettes help to ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience on the court.

What is a scorpion in pickleball?

A scorpion in pickleball is a shot where a player hits the ball behind their back while facing the net. This shot is used to catch the opponent off guard and is considered to be a high-level technique.

What is sandbagging in pickleball?

Sandbagging in pickleball is when a player intentionally plays at a lower level than they are capable of in order to win more games. This is considered poor sportsmanship and is not allowed in most pickleball leagues.

What are pickleball shots called?

Pickleball shots are called “dinks”, “smash”, “volley” and “drive”. These shots are used to keep your opponents guessing and to control the pace of the game.

What is a pancake in pickleball?

A pancake in pickleball is a shot where a player uses their hand to scoop up a low ball and hit it back to their opponent. This shot is often used to keep the ball in play when it is hit low to the ground.

What is pickleball slang?

Pickleball slang is a collection of phrases and terms used by players to communicate on the court. Examples include “dink,” “kitchen,” and “third shot drop.” It can help improve communication and make the game more fun.

What do you call pickleball players?

1. Pickleballer
2. Pickler
3. Doubles Partner
4. Opponent
5. Teammate

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